Solutions for Paper Printing, Packaging and Storage

Keeping the humidity level under control around hygroscopic products is essential in NZ as it is quite humid throughout the year. Read more about Dehumidifiers for Printing Industries

Paper and cardboards are hygroscopic in nature which means that they readily absorb moisture from the surrounding air. The absorption of the moisture can cause damage in the product quality on a varying intensity. There are various problems associated with humidity in the air:

  • High humidity in the air causes brittle paper-based products.
  • The absorption of the humidity can cause the functional integrity of the paper to degrade along with changes in the shape and appearance of the paper and cardboard products.
  • It also can result in an increase in waste and write-offs.
  • The product value and appearance of the paper is also affected by mold and other bacterial growths.

Improving product value with controlled humidity

Humidity challenges and solutions in paper, printing, and packaging storage

The printing and packaging industries use lots of paper as the paper is the base of their products. One problem with the papers is they are extremely hygroscopic in nature. They absorb moisture whenever they are exposed to humid conditions. Uncontrolled levels of humidity in the air bring their own sets of challenges in a storage room. One of the main problems to manage humidity is the constant change in the climatic condition of the environment. With such fluctuations in the climatic conditions, it brings perils to the company engaged in either manufacturing or storing paper and cardboard. The impacts of the fluctuation can have huge impacts on product and inventory value.

With the increase in logistics networks around the world, almost all the goods are packaged for protection before storing and delivering them to the customers. Failure in protecting the package means the contents inside the packaging are written off which can cause huge damage to the value of the products. 

Papers when absorbing moisture changes their shape and appearance. This can lead to the degradation of their functional integrity. Papers are organic materials and hence bacterial and mold development is also quite common in the presence of high humidity. 

What we have to understand is high humidity is not the only problem. Lack of humidity also can cause degradation of quality in the paper. When the air is too dry, paper-based products lose their strength and become brittle, impairing their overall value.

One of the most convenient ways of tackling the humidity problem is to install a proper dehumidifier. Dehumidifiers are able to remove large amounts of moisture from the air in a controlled manner and supply dry air to the environment. Ambale dehumidifiers are exceptionally energy-efficient which helps to curve down the effects of dehumidifiers in any storage facility. With the help of Ambale dehumidifier, you can be sure to protect all kinds of paper-based products in any kind of storage facility. These dehumidifiers are helpful in maintaining product value and reduce the number of wastes. Apart from protecting the products these dehumidifiers also help to protect the building structure and equipment from corrosion.

Ambale Dehumidifier units are supplied all over NZ in cities like Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga, Hamilton, Northland, etc. You can speak to us by calling +64 22 061 7007 or send us an email at