Humidity Control Solutions for Public Facilities and Buildings

Commercial buildings and public buildings are places where there is generally large human traffic. Many people get various services from these buildings and public facilities. These commercial buildings and public buildings are large in number and the people using them are also large in number for obvious reasons. If not managed properly these buildings living space can get quite uncomfortable because of the traffic of people throughout the day. An uncomfortable environment is not a good sign for customer service whether it is a commercial or public facility. We also can’t expect people to work efficiently in such a challenging environment. The humidity level fluctuation is quite common in such buildings. if the level of humidity is not properly adjusted people cannot concentrate properly on the tasks at hand. Without proper concentration of the people working in the building, the result may not be that impressive for whatever they may be doing.


Hotel is one industry that is 100 percent based on customer satisfaction. Nobody can expect the customers to feel happy can comfortably without providing them space with good climatic conditions. Humidity is quite often overlooked but is one of the most important factors influencing the climate. There are various consequences of not managing humidity in the hotel. The customers start to feel very uncomfortable without knowing the reason. It also creates health risks in the customers and staff. The energy costs tend to be very high due to high humidity. Uncontrolled airborne moisture causes condensation on the surfaces of walls, ceilings, and cavities. This gives in rise to the unhealthy growth of fungi and mold. It can fill the environment of the hotel with a pungent smell which is unhealthy as well. The damage caused due to this can be very expensive to rectify.

For a better understanding of humidity in hotels and homes, you may read more about Dehumidifiers for Hotels and Dehumidifiers for Homes

Offices and schools

Offices and schools are other places where the movement of people is huge just like hotels. People release large amounts of moisture in the air with their activities. The humidity level in the offices and schools is greatly affected by the number of people. With such moisture released the building structure and the living condition can be greatly affected. With such inconsistent and unpredictable patterns of humidity level in the building heating and air conditioning system is not the answer. Only proper dehumidifiers with appropriate performance can be the solution. Without this, the building may have to go through various damages with fungi and mold development. The cleaning and maintenance cost also significantly increases with the high humidity in the air. The moisture also causes permanent damage to the expensive furnishing and furniture present in the building. It also affects the performance of the staff in the office and students and teachers in the school. It is not a good idea to keep the people who require high concentration in the environment with such challenges. 

To know more about how to control humidity in schools and educational centers you may read more about Dehumidifiers for Schools

What is the solution?

Our company provides Cotes dehumidifiers with high energy efficiency that will automatically keep the relative humidity in check. It helps to boost comfort, job effectiveness, learning, and other activities inside the facilities. These dehumidifiers come with a better control system to control the air specifications. They help to ease your heating, ventilation, and cooling system energy bill significantly. Hence we believe that our dehumidifiers are the perfect solution for all kinds of commercial and public buildings. 

Ambale Dehumidifiers are available all around NZ and can be supplied to various cities like Auckland, Wellington, Tauranga, Hamilton, Christchurch, etc. Please send in your query to

To know more about all the solutions Ambale provides, visit Ambale Products NZ.