Humidity Solutions for Iron and Steel Storage

Reducing damage, waste, and complaints

Moisture causes rust in iron and steel. High humidity levels in the air of the storage facility for steel and iron can have negative effects on business profitability. There are many problems caused due to high humidity such as:

  • Products such as plate girders, steel rolls, iron, and semi-finished products are susceptible to corrosion due to the moisture present in the air.
  • The value of iron and steel products are negatively impacted.
  • The operating costs of storage are also significantly high.
  • A surge of warranty claims can be observed due to faulty product supply.

Preventing corrosion and maintain product quality in controlled humidity

One known fact to every common person is that the combination of moisture and metal is never good. The main reason behind the corrosion on metal surfaces is the humidity present in the air. The presence of moisture in the air in the storerooms inevitably causes corrosion in iron and steel in all kinds of forms such as rolls, plates, girders, or semi-finished products.

The value of iron and steel is adversely impacted due to corrosion in the presence of humidity in the air. This can cause a surge of warranty claims by the customers which are never good for the business. Apart from the economic loss it also creates a dent in the reputation of the company as the customer satisfaction rate declines. Read more on Dehumidifiers for Iron and Steel Storage in New Zealand. 

How to avoid corrosion and glitches?

According to the basic law of physics when the humidity level is above 60 percent corrosion on the metal surfaces can occur. So the problem of corrosion can be remedied by using the basic principle of physics. If the humidity level of the air can be maintained below 45 percent on a consistent basis then the possibility of corrosion is eliminated. 

Ambale dehumidifiers are known for their effectiveness and reliability to bring the humidity down to the desired level of the customers. You can gain full control of the airborne humidity and keep the storage room safe for storing iron and steel products. These dehumidifiers give you full control helping you to eliminate all the problems associated with the humidity. 

With the elimination of the humidity, you can get rid of complaints from the customers raising the customer satisfaction rate. The storage operation costs also significantly go down while limiting the claims for compensation. You can easily maintain the product value by minimizing the damage and insurance claim. With our dehumidifiers, you can find the most energy-efficient system that will help you decrease the overall energy bills. 

Ambale Dehumidifiers are supplied in Northland, Auckland, Hamilton, Tauranga, and all parts of NZ. Send us your query at